Oh What A Christmassy Christmas
Christmas bells ringing, everyone's singing,
All gathered 'round by the fire.
Uncles and cousins are here by the dozens
All in their Christmas attire.
The Christmas tree's lighted, the neighbors invited,
All of our friends are here too.
Leave your boots by the door, come join us once more,
And we'll share our Christmas with you.
Oh what a Christmassy Christmas.
It's as Christmassy as it can get.
It's easy to see this is going to be
The most Christmassy Christmas yet.
Now everyone's here, and supper time's near.
The coats are all piled on the bed.
The babies are sleeping. The toddlers are keeping
A lookout for Santa's sled.
The boys are out skating, and they're celebrating.
They're all full of Christmas cheer.
The girls are all playing with dollies and saying
It's the very best time of the year.
Oh what a Christmassy Christmas.
It's as Christmassy as it can get.
It's easy to see this is going to be
The most Christmassy Christmas yet.
Carolers strolling, Christmas bells tolling,
Christmas lights brighten the town.
The stars are a-sparkling, the angels are harking
As snowflakes gently fall down.
Spirits are soaring, and goodwill outpouring.
The whole house is full of delight.
I'm sure you'll agree this is the place to be
On this marvelous Christmassy night.
Oh what a Christmassy Christmas.
It's as Christmassy as it can get.
It's easy to see this is going to be
The most Christmassy Christmas yet.
The children are siftin' through mountains of gifts and
Shaking the ones with their names.
They can't open them yet, but they're sure that they'll get
Their new favorite toys and games.
I've given up countin' the very large mountain
Of presents piled all 'round the tree.
I'm only hopin' that when they get opened
There's lots under there for me.
Oh what a Christmassy Christmas.
It's as Christmassy as it can get.
It's easy to see this is going to be
The most Christmassy Christmas yet.
Crackers for munching, and walnuts for crunching,
Chocolates and goodies galore.
The cookies and candy are especially dandy.
Next year we'll make even more.
Grandma is baking. You can tell that she's making
A Christmassy pumpkin pie.
The taste is delightful, come have a bite full.
It's better than any pie you can buy.
Oh what a Christmassy Christmas.
It's as Christmassy as it can get.
It's easy to see this is going to be
The most Christmassy Christmas yet.
The turkey is roasting, and Mother is boasting
It's the juiciest turkey in town.
Dad will be carving soon 'cause we're starving
Waiting for when we sit down.
The potatoes are mashed, and the cranberries smashed.
Marshmallows cover the yams.
and dressing, and I think I'm guessing
I can also smell Christmassy ham.
Oh what a Christmassy Christmas.
It's as Christmassy as it can get.
It's easy to see this is going to be
The most Christmassy Christmas yet.
Everyone's talking about what's in their stocking.
Candy canes hang on the wreath.
Watch out if you go by the mistletoe.
There are kisses in store underneath.
The moon is a-glowing, the winter winds blowing.
The snow's piled up to the roof.
Santa is nearing. Soon we'll be hearing
Bells and the clatter of hoofs.
Oh what a Christmassy Christmas.
It's as Christmassy as it can get.
It's easy to see this is going to be
The most Christmassy Christmas yet.
We're all excited, and oh so delighted
To share our Christmas with you.
Wherever you live, it's the season to give.
It's the Christmassy thing to do.
Everyone's grinning, the fun's just beginning.
Christmas is finally here.
I cannot pretend that I want it to end.
I can hardly wait 'till next year.
Oh what a Christmassy Christmas.
It's as Christmassy as it can get.
It's easy to see this is going to be
The most Christmassy Christmas yet.
Copyright 2001 Megalactic Music